Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Winter Fast

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The stately trees stand motionless and tall,
In nakedness resulting from the fall.
They do not groan of hunger or of thirst;
For most, this scheduled fast is not their first.

In dignity they take their given lot;
By yearly liturgy they have been taught. 
Their summer dress lies crumpled at their feet;
Reminder of a past and lovely feast.

They are prepared to coming winter face;
When snow and ice their frames will decorate. 
Submissively they hold their branches still,
Resigned to their Creator’s sovereign will.   

Memories of summer gives them hope, 
Some chosen ones were blessed to hold a rope
For the children who came out to play
And pass some time in their pleasant shade. 

Every one won’t make it through lean times
Through no one’s fault or anybody’s crimes.  
Some are needed to keep houses warm,
And some succumb to howling winter storms.

But history gives them reason to endure;
Spring will come again; of that they’re sure.
The fasting season will not always be; 
Feasting will return for faithful trees. 

Longer days will quicken springtime growth;
Flowers, fruits and leaves will trees reclothe.
Fulfilled will be the promises believed; 
And trees will share the gifts that they receive.
They will use them to delight their guests 
Who seek out their canopy for rest.
Birds will nest again among their leaves,
And they will clap with joy in summer’s breeze.