Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

What’s Inside

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Arrangement blue bowl and fruits“/ CC0 1.0
Out of treasure of my heart
Pours that which is inside,
If love is what I want for fruit, 
I must with Love abide. 

When I’m crossed and bitterness 
Or angry words, unkind,
Like arrows from my mouth shoot forth, 
And temper does unwind, 

It simply proves my soul is full
Of straw and worldly lust.
God help me then return to You, 
Repenting in the dust.
It’s easy to blame anyone 
Who is in my path,
Or circumstances of my life 
For the cause of wrath. 

But Jesus said the man that’s good, 
His treasure house will prove.
He simply shares what he’s stored up;
Already under roof.