Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.


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Stephen, of His God elect,
By his peers with great respect,
Was chosen well to others serve,
                 His faith unswerved.

His ministry brought holy fruit,
And the Word of God, deep root,
Disciples much more plentiful,
	   	 Priests dutiful. 

Power, wonders, miracles,
His wisdom irresistible,
Full of faith and Holy Ghost;
                   Envy arose.

When lied about and set against,
Persecuting him commenced,
He gave the truth with lovely grace,
                    Angel faced.

From the town they ran him out,
With hateful hearts and ugly shouts,
They took up stones and on him cast;
		   Hope held fast.

Said he who saw God’s glory High,
About to His dear Jesus fly,
“God, give these men who murder me,
                    Pardon, please.”

This humble, serving, faithful man,
Solely fixed upon God’s plan,
Loved the Gospel ceaselessly, 
                         To peace went he.