Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.


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As her mind rolls round and round,
‘Bout specks in others’s eyes she’d found;
The spinning picks up energy,
Specks swelling in extremity.

The microscope on other’s faults
Makes way for self heart to exalt.
The blustered soul puffed to the hilt,
Strangely savoring another’s guilt.

Is this a soft and tender heart?
One by grace that’s set apart?
Pure and meek and humble, mild?
With grace and love both overfilled?

Host of Jesus and His mind?
Careful what inside He’ll find?
Foolish pride will fuss and fret 
O’er others sins; her own forget.

The one abiding with the Lord
Abundant love for others affords.
Recalling always her own need;
Humbled by the  grace received.

She has no time for merry go rounds,
To look for faults where they be found;
Specks of sins she hides with love,
As Jesus did her pride with blood.