Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

She Washed His Feet with Tears

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With hair she washed His feet,
The water was her tears.
The Pharisee did meet  
This act with angry jeers.
But Jesus said,
Leave her alone,
Cast not a stone
For what she did.

The alabaster box 
She broke anointing Him, 
Was met with Judas’ mocks 
And his self righteous vim. 
The poor you have
Always with you 
For tending to;
See what she gave? 

Her kindness and her deeds 
Will be forever known. 
For temper and for greed 
You’ll reap what you have sown. 
But now, forgiven 
She’ll ever be 
One of my sheep
Now and in heaven.  

*This poem can be sung to Darwall's 148th.