Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

His Name Was Enemy

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His name was Sinner, Murd’rer, Enemy,
He thought he honored God; a Pharisee.
He Steven stoned and saints tormented all,
Zealous of his cause; his name was Saul. 

Light from heaven. Darkness to His eyes,
The truth to him revealed exposing lies;
Chosen as a vessel for the Lord; 
“To Kings and Jews and Gentiles take the Word.”

Did he look back or did he greatly grieve?
Or simply  marvel at the gift received? 
If he looked back upon the years of wrath,
The blood of Jesus covered every path. 

He was redeemed, restored, like gold refined. 
No longer was he by his past defined.
Have you a past of which you are ashamed?
Repentant sinners have new names to claim.

Don’t look back! Don’t be greatly grieved!
Marvel only at the gift received!
Once a sinner, breaker of each law, 
Now a chosen one by God of all.

It does not matter what the others think 
Jesus saved you from destruction's brink. 
Your’re redeemed, restored, like gold refined.
Now Jesus perfect life your life defines.  

Your name was Sinner of a High Degree, 
Now it’s Blessed Vessel of the King. 
Your name was Wretch and your name was Mud.
Now Redeemed He calls you His Belov’d. 

If others want to think you have not changed,
Don’t forget - you have a brand new name. 
Always cling unto God’s promise sure; 
His grace allows your new name to endure.