Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Mercies Old and Mercies New

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The Great Horseshoe Fall, Niagara” by Alvan Fisher, born Needham, MA 1792-died Dedham, MA 1863/ CC0 1.0

I’m of God of mercies new!
He, before all time, foreknew 
My soul and its sinful flesh,
Still He gives me mercies fresh. 
How are mercies new and old?
Virgin born yet long foretold?
Mercy is my only plea -
Once unveiled upon a tree?

Mercy is a waterfall,
Boundless o’er the rocky wall,
Yet each cupful is pristine -
Spotless, perfect, fresh and clean.
Never sparse, the water flood
Is as the sufficient blood
Poured out on the cross for me,
So that I won’t guilty be.

Now my record is as His -
Graven by His righteousness.
Mercies new and mercies past
Proves God’s love will hold me fast.
As I mercies think upon
I claim, “Devil, you begone!”
Mercies all I contemplate,
God of them I celebrate.