Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Law of Love

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Very good at keeping rules. 
Always doing well in school,
Doesn’t go across the line, 
Keeping laws and doing fine. 

She always knows just what to wear,
When playing games, she’s strictly fair, 
Words respectful and polite,
Ever doing well and right. 

All her life has Jesus known,
Loves Him as her Savior own, 
But deep within her heart is still
Something lurking cool and chill.

This keeper of the law lacks this - 
Love that flows with forgiveness; 
Because she’s always doing well
Grace for others barely swells.  

She has a touch of scorn for those 
Whose sins and failings plainly shows; 
She’s never needed brokenness
Or devastating sins confess. 
Perhaps she’s unaware that grace 
Has held her up from sin’s embrace. 
The strength she has she’s unaware
Is Jesus’ strength keeping here there. 

Consider what’s the greatest law; 
 Loving man and loving God. 
Disdain and love don’t both dwell 
Together in the same heart well. 

Could it be the self and pride 
Fill her vessel and abide,
Herself her true security, 
Crowding out humility? 

Help her see her deepest need, 
And cry to Jesus and to plead 
For waterfalls of mercies store
To fill her heart and on her pour. 

Plenty then she’ll have to draw
And truly love, her cold heart thawed.
Forgiveness, grace and joy to give 
A broken, loving life to live!