Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

In Desert All Alone

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In desert all alone, 
Dear Jesus fasted there. 
And to His Father’s throne, 
Brought all His fervent prayers. 
In battle fought
The enemy,
Down on His knees
And not for nought. 

Invited to abuse 
The power from His Head.
But Jesus, He refused
To turn the stones to bread. 
“Man liveth not 
By earthly fare,
But by the bare
Good Word of God.” 

Mountain top was next; 
“All glory, power await.” 
But Jesus never vexed; 
Rejected Satan’s bait.
“Creator Wise, 
Alone is for
All praise to rise.”  

Then taken temple to
The pinnacle atop;
“Cast thyself astrew, 
And angels, tell to stop.”
“Nay, It is said,
‘Ye tempt God not.’”
Thus battle fought,
And devil fled. 

Dear Jesus faint, but strong,  
Temptations all endured. 
Then angels came along, 
His comfort was ensured.
His foot not dashed, 
But same would crush
The devil’s head;
All evil hush. 

This poem can be sung to the tune of Darwall’s 148th.