Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Fully Under the Blood

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Other may look down on me,
Questioning my sincerity.
My name to them might be mud,
But I’m fully under Jesus’ blood.

Jesus paid my debt for me, 
Not that I deserved that He
Would take all my sins away.
‘‘Twas my fault I went astray. 

But He said to simply ask, 
By His grace I did that task.
He said go and sin no more,
What are you still weeping for?

My Good Shepherd, my Dear Friend,
Others do still me condemn; 
There is nothing I can do
To prove to them I’ll be true.

Tenderly He took my hand,
My dear child, I understand, 
Condemned and bleeding on the cross,
They onto me cruel insults tossed.

Doubting my identity,
Nailed me to a wretched tree.
But none of it was wasted there,
Eternity cannot compare.

Do not worry what they think,
From their scorn you need not shrink.
You are mine by promise sure, 
My love for you, it will endure.

Maybe not in this lifetime
Will everyone forgive your crimes,
Remember in the painful flood,
You're fully covered by My Blood.