Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.


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We built a fire oceanside;
A hole in the sand and wood inside;
Dancing flames cast cozy light 
On me and on the waves that night.

I thought on the fire that Jesus made
For his friends out fishing one day;
He’d brought the means to build the fire;
Sharing a meal was his desire. 

After they fished the warmth they joined 
And fellowshipped with the Savior that morn;
They shared the fishes and the bread 
Receiving the meal for them He’d spread. 

Did wonder they the King of Life,
Victor o’er death and enemy’s strife,
Would humbly serve with hands divine
Just as He’d given bread and wine?

Did Peter mind past flames they’d known?
Where thrice he spurned Jesus, his own?
Now the Lord gave beginning new 
To prove his love to Jesus was true.

Decrees He gave him for His lambs
To feed them of the great “I Am.”
He told him of His trials to come;
And He told them to follow Him. 

Though He ruled beyond all bounds 
He chose with friends to be around; 
To fellowship with fire and fish 
To share His love and plans He wished.

He loves for me to take such time
To withdraw from my duties prime; 
To commune with Him; to abide 
Just as though we were fireside.

No rush or thoughts so far away,
My heart of love to Him display; 
To bask in His forgiveness fresh, 
To rest and in His love to be blessed. 
And so I have such thoughts tonight 
In awe of Jesus my Life and Light; 
Who warms me better than this fire; 
What more could my soul ever desire?