Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Feed the Hungry

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Our Father God, the Master Chef Divine, 
First artisan of bread and merry wine, 
Planned it all out when the world He made,
Back when fruit was shaped for Eden’s shade. 

Delights of taste created by His hand,
Intending food to gladden every man.
Much more than simple strength does food supply, 
It blesses humankind and unifies. 

In the kitchen, at the fire, or grill,
One can prepare delicious meals with skill 
For loved ones to delight in and partake,  
And nourish bodies and good mem’ries make. 

Sometime this life necessitates some ease -
So peanut butter jellies, if you please. 
Thus manna came to Israel for bread, 
And other work was done and all were fed.  

To feed another is an act of love, 
When we do so we image God above,
For when we feed those hungering for bread,
Jesus says it's Him we’ve really fed.