Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Faithful Friends

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A precious ruby is a faithful friend, 
One whose love endures and doesn’t end. 
She loves you when your other friends do not,
Assumes of you the best though others won’t.  

Her pleasure comes from seeing you enjoy 
The gifts your enemies would soon destroy. 
She loves you on the days you're at your worst; 
For your advantages she doesn’t  thirst.

She’s there for you when inconvenient, 
Her duty to you she won’t circumvent. 
She doesn’t think it sacrifice at all
To answer when your need for help does call.

Her love for you her love for God reflects, 
A love that blessing is when it infects. 
Those around who pointed to God are, 
A love that jealous spirit doesn’t mar. 

Who can find a faithful friend like this? 
Once asked Solomon though wisdom’s lens. 
He knew such thing as precious and as rare
Ought be handled with the greatest care. 

A friend on earth who is ruby red 
Points to the Friend whose blood was for us shed. 
To sacrifice is purest test there is, 
Who knows such friendship knows great blessedness.