Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Emmaus Road

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With heavy hearts they walked along,
Everything was very wrong.
Their Teacher and their Dearest Friend,
Had suffered much until the end.

Another Man soon joined the two,
Walking with them miles a few.
They told him all the recent news,
Then the Word He took them through.

How did this Man all things know?
Why did their hearts burn in them so?
Their dejection fell behind 
Replaced by mystery undefined. 

They did not want this Man to leave. 
What about Him made them cleave? 
They implored him with them bide 
And join their meal at eventide.

Thus He took and blessed the bread
And broke it up and to them fed.
Now like their hearts their eyes could see 
Their dearest Friend; Alive was He!

Jesus, like them, bide with me!  
As I walk my teacher be. 
My heart overspilling endlessly 
With joy and hope abundantly. 

When the bread is taken up
Blessed and broken and wine supped
May my heart with wonders burn!
Open wide my eyes in turn!

Nothing keeps me from such joy, 
But when I’m charmed by satan’s ploys.
Help me! Keep me safe, secure, 
Til faith melts to sight mature.