Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Dreams to Dust

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They’re not my favorite memories; 
When my hopes were crushed.
The pain oppressed me endlessly,
When dreams turned into dust. 

Sometimes when I first awoke,
I didn’t notice pain.  
But then a brick wall fell on me,
And crushed me once again. 

There were times and there were days
I didn’t want to live. 
Getting out of bed took more 
Than I had to give. 

I am still alive by grace; 
God has filled my cup.
When I didn’t notice Him
He still held me up.

All I say is that know 
Something about hurt.
More than once my hopes and dreams, 
Crumbled into dirt. 

I promise that God’s promises- 
All of them are true.
He made Adam from the dust, 
Your dust He’ll renew. 

Right now in the middle of
All your suffering, 
Hold on tight to Jesus, keep
doing the next thing.  
Someday you’ll look back on this 
Wondering just how
You made it through the hard times 
Glad that it is now. 

God will not distribute you 
More than He will help.
Beauty from the ashes heap
He will bring about.