Gigi's Poems

I write to encourage others to know, love, and draw near to God.

Category: Sabbath

  • Leave it at the Door


    A Sabbath Poem On the morn of Sabbath worship, When you come to God adore, Do not bring your burden with you, Leave it there outside the door. Come right in a little lighter, Get your soul prepared for war. Have a seat and let heart settle, Let your burden be ignored. Do not worry… Read more

  • Sabbath Gathering

    Every Sabbath they all gather Men, and women, mothers, fathers, Children, babies, youth, and aged Come because they need their Bread. Some are joyful and well rested, Others struggle, courage tested, Some are hurting in their body, Others strong and hale and hearty. Small ones eager, almost running, Hurts ones, gingerly are limping, Mercy workers… Read more